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Study Association of Philosophy

Student's Lecture Series

Each year, philosophy students  organize a lecture series on a philosophical topic. They prepare a programme, invite speakers from all over the world and present the lectures themselves.

The lecture series is open to the public, but can also be booked by philosophy students in a major-programme (BA 120, MA 120 or 90) under "Other Curricular Modules".

Ordinarliy, the lecture series takes place on Mondays at 16:15 to 17:45 in the main bulidung of the University of Zurich. The first half is reserved for the talks of the speakers, followed by a Q&A in the second half.

"Phenomenology" in Spring 24

This year's lecture series is on the topic of phenomenology. A number of experts will share their views on the nature and value of phenomenology. 

On mondays, 16:15 to 18:00 at HAH-E-11 am Häldliweg 2 in 8044 Zürich


19. Februar
Einführung und Informationen
Mark Walker, Klevis Nrecaj

26. Februar
Wesen oder Struktur? Eine ketzerische Geschichte der Phänomenologie als Sprachphilosophie?
Patrick Flack, Université de Fribourg

04. März
Gedanken und ihre Gegenstände: Franz Brentano über Intentionalität
PD Dr. Peter Schulte, Universität Zürich

11. März
Husserls phänomenologische Methode
Prof. Dr. Gianfranco Soldati, Université de Fribourg

18. März
Von der Perspektive zum Multiversum. Über die Arbeitsnotiz «Ontologie» (1969) in Merleau-Pontys «Das Sichtbare und das Unsichtbare».
Prof. Dr. Fausto Fraisopi, Universität Freiburg DE

25. März
Gifts as Social Acts [EN]
Dr. Emma Dayer-Tieffenbach, Universität Zürich

08. April
Was sind die «Sachen selbst» der «generativen Phänomenologie»? Phänomenologie als spekulativer Idealismus
Prof. Dr. Alexander Schnell, Universität Wuppertal

22. April
Sachverhalte oder Wesensverhalte?
Prof. Dr. Kevin Mulligan, Università della Svizzera italiana

29. April
Werfen wie ein Mädchen? Feministische Phänomenologie und Machtkritik nach Iris Marion Young
Prof. Dr. Katrin Meyer, Universität Basel

06. Mai
Zeit, Alter Tod. Grundprobleme der Phänomenologie
Dr. Christian Sternad, Université de Fribourg

13. Mai
Exemplarität und Abweichung. Eine phänomenologische Lektüre von David Humes «Of the Standard of Taste»
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Michela Summa, Universität Würzburg

27. Mai
What is Critical Phenomenology? [EN]
Dr. Adam Knowles, Universität Zürich

"Difference" in Fall 22

In the fall semester of 2022, a group of philosophy students has organized a lecture series on "Differences: opposites and discrimination". Find the programme here and more information in the course catalogue.

"Meritocracy" in FS21

Programme Meritocracy

Do you want to organize a lecture series?

We need motivated philosophy students to organize the lecture series. The preparations usually take about a semester, followed the semester in which the lecture series takes place. The only condition to organizing a lecture series consits of being a philosophy student at the Universtiy of Zurich, be that Master, Bachelor, Major or Minor.

Contact us using this link if you would like to know more about organizing a lecture series.

Weiterführende Informationen

Flyer "Differences" Fall 22